许良 徐建 王惠茹 等.失眠患者睡眠与觉醒相关因素的临床调查[J].世界睡眠医学杂志,2014,1(1):51-
Clinical Investigation and Research on Related Factors of Insomniac’sSleep and Awakening
中文关键词: 失眠  睡眠与觉醒  临床调查
英文关键词: Insomnia  Sleep and awakening  Clinical investigation
基金项目:失眠症中医诊疗指南(国家中医药管理局中医药 标准化研究:ZYYS-20070020)
许良 徐建 王惠茹 等 200071 上海中医药大学附属中医医院(许良、 徐建、王惠茹、王国华、王翘楚)201203 上海中医药大学 (黄景斌) 
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      目的 调查分析门诊失眠症患者影响睡眠与觉醒的相关因素。方法 采用调查问卷表,对以失眠为主诉的 初诊病人经确诊为失眠症,按姓名、年龄、职业、失眠病程、服用药物、上床时间、主要不适症状、对学习工作和社会 活动功能影响等项目作临床调查问卷项目填写,对数据作统计学分析。结果 女性失眠症患者明显高于男性,占63.98%; 中壮年失眠症患者比例最高;失眠症患者记忆力减退者占80.71%、影响学习工作社会活动功能者占81.82%,服用镇静安 眠等类药物对记忆力减退和学习工作社会活动功能均有明显影响;晚睡对白昼学习工作和社会活动功能影响有明显相关 性。结论 以天人相应理论指导临床失眠症患者的防治、康复有其重要意义。
      Objective To investigate and analyze on related factors of insomniac’s sleep and awakening.Methods Questionnaire filled out by patients diagnosed after first visit to hospital, which includes name, age, profession, medical history, medication, time to bed, symptoms, effects on patients’ study, working and social activities and so on as well as statistic study afterwards.ResultsFemale insomniac are prevailingly more than male ones with 63.98%. The percentage of middle-age insomniac is rather high. Insomniac with memory impairment account for 80.71%, and 81.82% of patients’ study, working and social activities are affected. The Hypnagogue has great influence on memory impairment and social activities, which accounts for 86.72% and 87.77%. Late sleep are clearly related to study and working in the daytime and social activities.Conclusion Theory of Correspondence between man and Universe plays an important role in guiding prevention and cure of insomnia.
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